Tuesday 12 March 2013

Sexy Beast! Maybe runners can be ‘sexy’?

The fact that you clicked on this blog, given the title, says so much about you as a reader already.

The fact that I would resort to that, as a title, probably says more.

Regardless, FIRST! After 10 days of periodic usage of the (supposedly) MIGHTY BEETROOT SUPPLEMENT I’m here to blow the lid off preconceptions about the vegetable like never before!

For this ‘expose’ to have the true effect I’m aiming for you may need to prepare your mind in order to get into a position where you ACTUALLY CARE about your intake of beetroot. This is especially apparent as I can’t quite conjure the sensationalism and tabloid journalism of ‘A Current Affair’, ‘Today Tonight’ or ‘Fox News’.

Beetroot is misunderstood. Beetroot is a novelty to you, nothing more than occasional burger filler (for Australians) and iconically Irish; for whatever that is worth? Are you angry yet? Furious? Passionate about Beetroot having it's time in the sun?


Now, I’ll begin.

Readers of my previous post will realise that I’ve been taking a recommended dosage of Beet juice prior to every run (training and race) in order to ascertain personally whether the proposed benefits of doing so will increase my nitrate levels and benefit my overall muscle strength and endurance (particularly over workouts around the 30 minute mark…..probably handy for a 10km runner!!!!).

For the layman….I wanted to see if drinking Beetroot juice will turn me into the Incredible Hulk.

Initially the most obvious result of drinking this prior to a workout session was the immediate distaste of the juice. It’s quite gross, and that’s really hard to work through; anyone suggesting that a liquefied version of a vegetable with no added sugar or sweetening agent will taste like anything other than pure excrement has quite a future in politics.

This issue is compounded somewhat initially with the occasional ‘burp’ mid run, which brings back the flavour. I’ve tried differing the times between consumption and running but this seems to have little effect. Thankfully, my body has gotten ‘used’ to it…so that really isn’t an issue anymore.

Also, I shudder to say this, I’ve actually gotten used to the flavour! Please note….I’m not sipping Beet Juice with a Cab Sav and plate of Blue-vein Cheese anytime soon….but I can stomach it with much less tantrum throwing and “here comes the airplane!” manoeuvres (quite embarrassing when you’re doing it to yourself).

At this juncture it brings me great joy to say that, of the (reportedly) minimal% of consumers who have experienced a ‘discolouration’ of their urine, I have been lucky enough to be one! Whilst initially feeling like I was leaking strange ‘blood coloured’ pee, when I came to terms with the change, and whilst this is a MASSIVE OVERSHARE; it felt pretty cool to control my own ‘Darth Vaderesque Light Saber’.

Er-herm!…..moving on…

Performance wise, the results so far are somewhat inconclusive. I’ve had about 6 training sessions with the Beet, some where I performed and recovered well, others where I was normal. Nothing overwhelmingly ‘hulkesque’ regardless. In terms of the two races I’ve run with the supplement, both have been successful (1st on a 10km Brisbane Road Race, 3rd in the State QLD 10,000mt track championships), however my time and performance was equal, and even slightly underwhelming in both.
Perhaps these events could be attributed to the limited time I have used the product, or simply the fact that as an elite(esque) athlete, my body is already efficient in creating nitrites (from the nitrates for those of you following at home) so any effect would be marginal.

Regardless I will continue, and update you again soon. I would like to also try some other products too, and gain feedback from anyone else using Beetroot juice. So if you do use, or know someone who does, drop me an email at: funky_clay@hotmail.com

In between then and now, enjoy your running,

Or at the very least high-five someone who ran today!

(just be sure to give them notice…High-five related injuries are on the rise…I saw it on ‘Today Tonight’!)

Safe travels,


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