Saturday, 19 July 2014

The Future is here! AND it's FREE! --> Your Runners Horoscope...and, You're Welcome!

There are some things in the running/exercise world that are so predictable and obvious, like;

The fact that running is generally hard, that every race needs to start AFTER a necessary bowel movement,  injury is inevitable, running tights for men should be worn with shorts, and ‘going out with the kenyans’ is the beginning of a VERY difficult marathon.

But there are other events and fortunes that can ONLY be foretold with a simple gift to read cosmic signs…THAT, or an arrogant personality and willingness to cold-read for general amusement.

So brace yourself for a deliberately vague and ambiguous glimpse into your near future (all this without the aid of a DeLorean)!

The mood seems right, the planets are aligned, the incense is burning, I will begin….


Aries: March 21 – April 19
·         Element: Fire
·         Symbol: Ram
·         Ideal Shoes: Bright and the latest in Sporting Technology and style.

Whilst the idea of a ‘sheep’ being a creature happy to blend in with the flock and be generally reluctant to stand out is pretty widely accepted….the RAM is another matter altogether!  (I bet you even get a little kick of joy out of having that written in CAPs?). 
In regards to racing, you’re likely to throw caution to the wind in order to reach that PB.
You’re meticulous about your training, and intolerant of pesky walkers that don’t follow the rule of ‘keeping to the left’.
Having said that you are generally very attractive, and appreciative of people who remind you of this (so why not share this blog all of you Aries folk? share it now!).
Be sure to take the time to pair your running socks as you take them off the washing line or out of the dryer. It may seem like common sense, but it could be the difference between a comfortable week of training, or another week of your running buddies asking, “What’s with the odd socks?”
Taurus: April 20 – May 20
·         Element: Earth
·         Symbol: Bull
·         Ideal Shoes: You have your favourites and resent when they change. For example you LOVE your Asics Kayanos/Cumulus/Gels/etc and/or Nike Pegs.

Good ol’ reliable Taurunners! Aren't you awesome? So reliable at turning up at training sessions, and being the ones that your running buddies can rely upon! Likewise, if one of these buddies is having a tough run, you're the one who'll slow down to help them out.

You'll talk the injured runner pal off the proverbial (and sometimes literal) ledge by being the voice of reason. If you were a Star Wars character, you’d be Yoda.

Negatively, you’re pretty stubborn; when you turn up to train, you like to TRAIN! Super serious. That's you.


You may or may not find $5 on a training run. I’d love to be more specific, but there’s a chance I could beat you to it. Regardless, it’s all the more reasons to be motivated for at least another 7 days right? (If you do find the cash) Spend up wisely!
Gemini: May 21 – June 20
·         Element: Air
·         Symbol: Twins
·         Ideal Shoes: You’ll Colour Co-Ordinate better than almost anyone! Bright is often better for you  too. 

One of the most likable members of the running fraternity; Prone to the occasional moody and passionate outburst, you are more often quite quiet and are as loyal a friend as could be found.

You have a desire to stay one-step-ahead, and you find the idea of winning quite seducing.

Between you and me, you also look awesome in your running gear. You’re rocking it!


Drinking plenty of water is a great idea for you this week! It’s an important time in the running season and probably something overlooked by many. 

In terms of the cosmos, it may be a good time to relax, as an unexpected visitor may visit at some point in the future….is that ambiguous enough? Good! Now drink some H20 and quit complaining!
Cancer: June 21 – July 22
·         Element: Water
·         Symbol: Crab
·         Ideal Shoes: Safe and sturdy, always considering comfort and the potential for chafing or injury your running gear needs to cater to this at all times. Form follows function!

Always the worrier, you’re the nervous runner wondering if you’ve trained hard enough or if you’ll need that extra gel or not. Your secret fear is collapsing before the finish, or losing bowel control, or both!

You’d think this anxiety would make running the worst chore in the world right? Well, no…because in spite of your cautious approach to the sport, there are aspects of it that you find almost romantic.

On a side note, you’re pretty good at planning the ultimate running route. Share your gift with the world my crustaceous friend!


You could take $100 dollars to the casino, put it on black, double it, then take your partner/prospective love interest out to dinner!…..but don’t. The roulette will come up black, and anyway, the planet Mars is in your orbit this month. This means; you’re much more prone to leaving your fly down in public than pulling your best Casanova moves. Sorry!
Leo: July 23 – August 22
·         Element: Fire
·         Symbol: The Lion
·         Ideal Shoes: The loudest, brightest, latest in fashion. Anything to intimidate and make you look like the champion you are!

Whilst a little insecure about your ability, or training lead up at times, this is compensated always by a strong sense of pride in your own achievements, as well as those of family and friends.

Always willing to celebrate the success of others, you are your harshest critic, if you don’t run the perfect race….well……

On the plus side you very often push yourself to achieve personal glory!...

…Also, you are a Lion…..they’re pretty awesome; by association you are too. For more information watch ‘The Ghost in the Darkness’, ‘The Lion King’ and ‘The Chronicles of Narnia’ and bask in the glory.  


This month, trust your judgement and feed the parking meter. You will run into an old acquaintance and running partner, which will be a welcome joy for you both…unfortunately also for the Parking Inspector who is just waiting to slap a fat ticket on your windscreen. 
Or maybe the old friend will BE a Parking Inspector? What a moral quandary that would make?! 

Regardless, Beware my friend!
Virgo: August 23 – September 22 (Tim’s sign)
·         Element: Earth
·         Symbol: The Virgin
·         Ideal Shoes: Rotated routinely you know your regular shoes and can attach a foot-timing-chip better than most.  

Meticulous about your data, personal bests, and running routes you are the last person to get lost in a race. Every beep of Garmin/GPS data is like reliving Christmas morning over and over again.

You are honest and for that universally loved, also the last person to cut a corner or finish a run early. You should also wear that headband you’ve been thinking about wearing; it looks great!


The sheer fact that I can tell that you are reading this with scepticism should be reason enough to start trusting my powers more. Even more-so the confident way that I refer to my powers without any inverted commas around the word ‘powers’…er….dammit!

You may need to comfort a man in overalls this week. Be kind, he’s been through a lot.
Libra: September 23 – October 22
·         Element: Air
·         Symbol: The Scales
·          Ideal Shoes: Your gear needs to reflect your personality. You have your favourite colours and  when you see you favourite it’s almost enough to seduce you into buying them above all!

The Emotional runner….thankfully not in the annoying candle-lighting, depressed and complaining teenager kind of way, but in the way that gives your heart a flutter when the starting gun goes, or when you catch a glimpse of the perfect sunrise on that morning run!

You are in tune with your body and are very conscious of each sensation of pain, fatigue, and (thankfully) euphoria! Nothing feels better than crossing that finishing line and celebrating with your family and friends!

Very often you are the voice of reason in training circles, the one who can suggest a novel routine, without overdoing it. You expect the best from others, without judging if they don’t deliver.

Well done you…..even if you can be a little too-trusting at times.


A welcome compliment from a work-mate will bring you some much needed satisfaction. 

But what if he/she is being sarcastic?! You’ll spend the next 40 minutes wondering this, at which point you’ll notice you've have toilet paper stuck to your pants the whole time..

Go for a run, it’ll make you feel better.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21
·         Element: Water
·         Symbol: The Scorpion
·          Ideal Shoes: If it fits well and laces up it will suit you perfectly.  

Competitive in the extreme, you would probably consider limb-amputation if told it would give you an advantage. With this in mind, you are tough.

Of course this also means that you can be susceptible to overtraining and injury! You know that scene in ‘Die Hard’ where John McClain walks barefoot over broken glass? That’s a regular training session for you, particularly when any form of competition is present.

You’re brutally honest with yourself and others, which some will respect…..the others…….not so much.


On a training run one of your buddies will inadvertently step in dog poo….with this knowledge in your hand you now have an important decision, do you keep the secret and prepare to laugh? Or do you help them out, knowing if the roles were reversed they’d do the same? \

With this in mind, and as a side-note, choose your car pooling pals wisely this week.
Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21
·         Element: Fire
·         Symbol: The Archer
·         Ideal Shoes: Loyal to your shoes, you still require enough style in them to turn heads.  

You are an archer that is quick to fire off a thousand arrows in a moment of frustration, although, for the majority of the time you are open to all and happy to enjoy life! 

If a friend suggests a training run, you’ll jump at the chance, whether he/she is an Olympic champion, or someone ‘fresh from the couch’.

You are a social butterfly and live your life to please others and impress all, however you can be ticked off early and when you fly off the handle most New Year’s Eve fireworks displays wouldn’t distract attention away from you!


If you’ve been thinking about fabricating an entire article in the style of a ‘newspaper horoscope article’ for the amusement of your friends then this is the week to do it! 

If not, then at least the weather will be great for a couple of training runs at least!
Capricorn: December 22 – January 19
·         Element: Earth
·         Symbol: The Goat
·        Ideal Shoes: What shoes do the pros wear? Any advancement that will have you on the top of the podium is worth ANY investment!

Stubborn almost to a fault you will dig your hooves in with any situation you believe you are right. 

Because of this you aren’t known for your flexibility. Prone to over prepare, you will efficiently pack your race-bag and arrive with plenty of time for every race.

You are very goal-orientated, and will set sights on achievements, pbs and podiums, which can be a double edged sword at times. Luckily you have a wicked sense of humour and can laugh off most adversity with a self deprecating smile.

Your drive can make you prone to overtraining; however, on the bright side, no-one will ever accuse you of being lazy.


Shut your bedroom blinds/curtains; your neighbours have been watching you getting changed for the last six months. 

You’re welcome.
Aquarius: January 20 – February 18 (Adam’s sign)
·         Element: Air
·         Symbol: The Water Bearer
·          Ideal Shoes: Sensible colours and style, although you can occasionally branch out with a new  model occasionally.  

The race course wasn’t correctly measured? Not enough drink stations? You will be the most vocal opponent to any miscarriage of justice. Luckily this independence allows you to be your own best training coach.

You are incredibly loyal to friends and family and will defend them to the bitter end. You are also curious and willing to undertake any task or adventure that is foreign to you.

You’ve signed up for Tough Mudder haven’t you? If not, you probably will next year….just a warning; the path for you is full of cargo nets, high-fives and ridiculous headwear.


At one point this week you will consider getting that PB time tattooed to immortalise that momentous occasion…

...DON'T! Because, before the year is out you’ll beat that time, and it’ll be expensive to fix. Might I recommend a tattoo with a little more longevity; like a portrait of Rick Astley, your first girlfriend/boyfriend's name, or the lyrics to a Top 40 song?

Pisces: February 19 – March 20
·         Element: Water
·         Symbol: The Fish
·         Ideal Shoes: The shoes that feel right…you are very particular about the movement of the shoe from the sole up and you know what works.

The shy recluse you will happily don your sensibly coloured trainers and double knot your laces for every race. The mere idea of a bright pair of Vibram ‘toe shoes’ would almost make you dry-wretch. …but don’t worry, you’re not alone there.

Your ability to push yourself very often means that  you are capable of quite amazing things. If anyone will finish that marathon, congratulations….it’s you.

Sadly, you can be occasionally moody and disorganised….but with that finisher’s medal around your neck you strike a pretty impressive pose!


Remember Dougie Howser M.D.?! Hasn’t Neil Patrick Harris done well for himself? Gosh he’s talented and so darn likeable. There really should be more films and television shows with him in them.  Did you know he’s a Gemini?

This week something bad will happen to you…at some point. Try to think of Neil Patrick Harris and I promise it will feel better.


So there you have it, YOUR horoscopes predicted!  

So enjoy that, and for those of you too sceptical to believe, why not train hard, be nice, stay honest and make your future the best it can be?!

Keep running!

Clay Dawson
Intraining Sponsored Athlete and Mystical Conjuring Clairvoyant
Check out Intraining Online Here or in Store @ Milton or Indooroopilly 

* Private readings are available for anyone with money and a willingness to give it away without consultation with previous customers or ombudsman. 

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