Wednesday, 2 July 2014

"Goodbye my lover....goodbye my a friend!" ---> The death of a Garmin!

Much like every single character in the Game of Thrones television and book series, we all must die at some point. True too that we will probably do so in a variety of morbidly obscure and sometimes awfully, painful ways, very often with no warning and for no apparent reason….for this alone, I hate you George R R Martin.

But that is a topic of a million blogs already written, so I digress... and tell you MY story;

For a sport which is predominantly seen by many as a solo pursuit for individual glory, this week I had to face the harsh reality of saying goodbye to a friend who I’ve spent EVERY running step over two years on my long journey with….my Garmin 610.

The Garmin 610 came into my life at a time when I didn’t even want a running GPS watch. I was happily enjoying using my dollar-store Casio rip-off (with it’s simple stop-start stopwatch function) and running here and there with the help of natural guidance and the feeling of the cool afternoon wind in my (probably at the time) horrifically unfashionable hair.

But like it or not, the Garmin came as a gift from my (now) wife and although I was cautious the first time I took it out for a run, I soon fell in love with the myriad of information available at my fingertips! For the nerdier amongst you, I was like Patrick Stewart in those X-Men movies with his gigantic sphere of awesome psychic powers……except I could walk.

Now, I’m not Michael Bay and (as such) I don’t want this to sound like a product endorsement or an
advertisement for Garmin products.  Truth be known,  I would have been just as happy with any other brand or watch….even a replacement fake-Casio would’ve been a good enough and welcome reason to throw the old putridly gross watch in the bin!

And besides, that….the watch began to suck almost immediately!

Don’t get me wrong, I used, admired and treasured the constant pace updates, the running km counter, the ability to plan training workouts, even the cheerful beeps and noises at every km interval and the sheer fact that this EXPENSIVE gift made me look, feel and run like a professional. This watch took me from the school-yard to the super bowl…..even if only for the entertainment and amusement of others sometimes.  

And for these reasons alone, I LOVED it!

Together we ran EVERY training step, in a variety of conditions and temperatures. It saw every close call with every car on the road, listened to each ‘Run Forrest Run’ trumpeted out of a thousand car windows, and absorbed every single drop of wrist sweat that I had to spare.  In fact, it was this wrist sweat that soon created a permanent bumpy rust patch on the back of the watch, and a matching abrasion where the hair used to grow on my wrist.

As I went on, I trained and I worked harder and harder, and whilst my body didn’t seem to succumb to the assault, the thin rubber band of the Garmin did! Luckily, with some carefully applied gaff tape (then reapplied, then reapplied and reapplied again) the problem was starved off for a few more months of glorious training.  

Then, in the week before I was to yield to the pressure of a watch that would fling itself off mid-run; and decide to send my now irreplaceable training partner back, tragedy struck! I noticed a small crack in the touch-screen of the watch!

Now, until this point I’d neglected to mention that this touch screen was one of the coolest things about this
watch! Unlike EVERY example of ‘smart technology’ I’d experienced in my 30 years on this planet, this was ACTUALLY COOL! It did what it was supposed to do, and the simple swiping watch (from the future) made me feel like I was on the deck of the Starship Enterprise every time I used it!

Unfortunately with the crack in the screen (which I can honestly say I have NO idea how it happened perhaps as a result of a band mishap?)! I decided the chances of the nice folk at Garmin replacing my faulty band were looking less and less likely!

Still it was under warranty, and with some prompting from the nice folk at Intraining I sent it away and was incredibly surprised when they COMPLETELY replaced the watch!!!! Awesome work Garmin! Thanks for that!

So now it was Garmin 610 ….take two!

As you could probably imagine, it wasn’t long before long the same problems started again, the band started
to crack, the watch occasionally fogged up, the rust came (and my wrist hair left again) and (like before) I used barely any of the extensive features of the top-of-the-line watch!

Did I mention it would occasionally mis-measure a run by around 40meters?...yeah, well it did….and yeah, well I didn’t care!

The love was still there! And as I became faster and won the occasional race, the Garmin was there too. Suddenly every success became synonymous with the watch, and it was a crucial piece of equipment. I would’ve run without shoes before I’d ever left the Garmin at home again! I considered marrying it, however complications with convincing my already understanding wife to enter into a polygamist relationship with an inanimate object would probably stretched the friendship. 

And so the partnership rolled on! Through online apps and the uploading of data, two long years went by like amusement park visitors buying ridiculously overpriced ride photos!

Closer and closer the kilometres rolled towards the 10,000km mark! What an achievement! Me and my Garmin were UNSTOPPABLE!

I even began planning the glorious message I would send to Garmin! Thanking them for their product and celebrating our achievement! Would I make a triumphant video and share it with the world?!

Aaaaaaaaand…..then the moisture spot appeared

…and the watch stopped.

Still, try as I could to revive my fallen comrade he was gone forever!

I put it in rice, cous-cous, a combination of rice and cous-cous, I left it in the sun for days at a time, I tried gentle words of encouragement…nothing worked.

But in spite of all evidence contrary, I was resolute! I wouldn’t give up! No way! Not ever!

I wouldn’t let go of my friend so easily!

But then the strap broke again.

And so did the camel’s back.

So with this in mind I’d like to introduce you to the latest member of my running family; my sparkling new Garmin 620!

It has a new improved band that won’t break, plastic back that won’t rust and hurt my wrist, it measures distance accurately, and it’s waterproof! Joy of joys!

It also measures my cadence, vertical oscillation, V02 max, and a million other really interesting features that I probably will never use.

As to whether it will be my new best friend….

The jury is still out. Watch this space!

Till next time!
Much love! Keep running!
(Thanks for reading and sharing)

Clay Dawson
Watch enthusiast, runner and occasional idiot.
Intraining Sponsored Athlete

(Intraining are awesome – check them out! They have TWO stores now!) 

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