The advertising boffins at L'Oréal once touted:
‘Because you’re worth it’…

If you really were ‘worth it’ why would you need to increase your ‘currency’ in the first place? What kind of back-handed compliment were they dishing out to women (and other makeup wearers) of the time?
Too often we worry about what people think, what we can’t
do, what we should do, how little time we have, and the inevitable fact that we’re
getting slower, dumber, fatter, older, stupider, less cool, or a simultaneous combination
of this all.
But before you throw out your makeup and retire to live out
your days in a makeshift bomb shelter, with
some home-made clothes and
self-penned manifesto, I’d like to propose an experiment…
My challenge for you today is this; be happy
in this exact moment. It sounds ‘all very new-age’, but in a hyper-broadband
speed world we rarely take the time to think about our own ‘moments of awesome’
and to truly appreciate those times when we hit the mark, or even exceeded our
expectations. It seems to me that we all
have a predisposition to assume that if we already have achieved it, or are
capable of it, it is;
a mistake or fluke, or
Something every single human could easily do
with little practice and/or ability.
*The only exception to this that I can find seems to be
famous rappers, heavy-weight boxers and Olympic sprinters; they seem to live
every day in a luxurious doona of their own egos. Thankfully we are not all
like this; we’re spared by virtue of empathy and first person narrative.
To you I say;
It’s ok for you to be awesome.

The problem becomes worse, when that ceiling inevitably
becomes not only unachievable, but a gas station in the rear-view mirror
getting further and further away with every moment. It’s all a bit dramatic,
and it may have you asking the penultimate question (and shortest piece of
poetry every penned) of “Why Try?” but I assure you, there is another
perspective (and other Jerry-cans of petrol along this metaphorical road-trip).

The thought that you will never break the winners tape, or
hold aloft a trophy to rapturous applause, or even place in your age group, or
finish without walking is an irreversible reality that can become quite
So this is where you take stock.

You rocked it. It’s totally ok to admit that. It happens all
the time; it’s ok to admit that too.

And while I’m on this soap-box;
Love your body.
For all the aches and pains it occasionally (or constantly)
gives you, it has also been there for every success in your life. Like it or
not, it will be there for the rest too. So take the time to smile and
appreciate it, even for a moment. It may not be perfect, but no other body
would fit you as well.
And if all of my preaching still isn’t sending alarm bells
off in your head; I say, Look around you and find someone who is smiling and enjoying
moments past and yet coming. You’ll find they’re much more enjoyable to be
around than that person who develops an ulcer struggling to regain past glories
by pushing toddlers over in fun-runs and complaining that wind
prevented them from qualifying from representing at the World Darts competition
in Alexandra Palace (London).
Lighten up, live longer, and you might find that you didn’t
need that make-up, compression skins, or beetroot juice in the first place!
Or don’t…...
Either way,
Run strong and be proud of our community!
Till next time,
Clay Dawson
Intraining Athlete & occasional preacher
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