I guess the long and the short of it, is that we are all
aware of what is necessary to ‘healthily’ punish our bodies….but the inconvenience
of matters such as ‘warming up’, ‘stretching’ or ‘rest’ can sometimes fall on
deaf ears…especially if the instruction is coming from a pair of lips 1 ½ inches
But this is another blog, for another time….

“How long will it be until I reach my absolute peak, and the
inevitable decline in performance begins?”
Without dwelling too much on this, it will happen. The pure
fact is, some of us will lose interest, become injured, or simply will lose
physical strength and ability. There simply aren’t that many 80 year-olds
running onto football fields, fly-kicking UFC fighters, or running sub 2hr10min
Sadly old father time is wearily tapping his Garmin GPS
watch with a raised eyebrow with every step I take. My time is drawing closer
to the end with every minute.
But wait! Before you give up your current sport and decide
to take up Cliff-diving or unassisted-bridge-bungee jumping, there is a light
at the end of the tunnel!
It happened a few minutes after I finished last night, while
I hugged my parents and tried to avoid a wild storm that overtook everyone else unfortunate enough to be still running.
(FYI there was ACTUALLY a ridiculously vicious storm, this
is no metaphor….at least on my behalf…I can’t categorically vouch for any not-so-benevolent-omnipresent
being, or beings?.....I digress)
I watched a much younger; and very, very talented runner
come in 3rd place and I realised that tonight….tonight, I had the mental
grit and toughness that only comes from a little bit more age.

But my point is, we a creatures made up of life experiences!
These experiences make us stronger and give us memories to draw upon when life
gets tough. We build resolve from them and when the unthinkable is possible, we
use them to draw strength!
And best of all…..this is what keeps us feeling young. We
have found the holy-grail and the time machine for feeling young, without the
embarrassment of buying gold chains, convertible cars, hair-plugs and Ed Hardy t-shirts!
Until the next morning of course, when the hangover of stiff
joints brings us very much into the present!
But we wouldn’t have it any other way…..would we?
(Time to start stretching!)
Happy Running/Exercising!